Friday, October 29, 2010

Back to normal

Sort of. I have therapy this morning, and now that I've gotten the pregnancy announcement out of the way with everyone, I can settle into the idea myself. I do have to say I've been pleasantly surprised by the supportive responses I receive. I thought for sure people would pick on me for doing something "so stupid" when I am having issues all around myself. Then again, I have been working very hard at getting everything floating along even keel so to speak.

I started another blog, yeah, another one... lol this one is specifically for the baby and updates or news or... random baby-ness. If you'd like to check it out it's there is only one post there as of now, but I have a bit more to post and as I go to appointments and such I should have even more to post. It's similar to the blog I did with EmmaLeigh's pregnancy for long distance family, but this is more like a pregnancy journal. So, check it out if you'd like. :)

Later today I am going to go watch Miss Emma walk in the Anoka Halloween Parade with her school. She is so excited that I can't wait lol. My mom will be coming down as well, she walked in the parade when she was in school in Anoka so she's very excited to see the current youngest grandchild doing the same. I'm glad she's coming, little miss is pleased too. (Thanks mom!)

That's it for now I think, have a wonderful day! I have the best readers. <3

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