Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Busy day today!

I have to start out the morning by calling my financial worker and chewing her out. It seems she STILL has not fixed HER mistake and I now do not have insurance to start the Partial program I am supposed to begin today for treatment and therapy of my anxiety. Can't call her until 8 or 8:30 though... so I have to just be content with getting ready for the day that may or may not happen.

Assuming I get a hold of her on time, I am supposed to also be to Mercy Hospital by 8:30 to register for the partial program with registration. Up to Partial by 9 and then leave there for a short break by 10:15 so I am able to find parking for my WIC appointment. I already have all my papers gathered for that so I am ahead of the game there... Once that appointment is done I head back to Mercy and if I am lucky I may have time for lunch before heading back to the Partial program.

I have to wonder what I would entertain myself with if I didn't have all of this wonderful stress in my life.

Oh and at some point I have to locate my polling place so I can vote for the better of the two evils. I hate that shit.

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